Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Doing Laundry

So Tuesdays are tentatively my laundry day. I thought I'd share with you how laundry is done here. This is a photo of my washing machine. As you can see, there are two sides of the machine, and each has its own basin. The basin on the left is larger. You put clothes, water and soap in this side. Here the clothes agitate and drain. The other side is the spinner. You take the clothes out of the water and put them in the spinner. The machine is plugged into the wall for electricity. But it is not hooked into the water.
To get water into the first basin you take the shower head off of the wall and put it in the machine. Once there is enough water, you turn off the shower head and let the machine agitate. Once it is done agitating, you take a hose off of the side of the machine and lay it on the floor. The water drains out of the machine into the shower drain on the floor. Then you spin the clothes, and you put them back in the first basin. Use the shower head to fill the basin again with clean water, allow the clothes to agitate again - rinse cycle. Drain the water again on the floor, then spin the clothes again. The spinner gets the clothes relatively dry. There are no dryers, so you just hang up the clothes to dry at this point. It doesn't take any longer than overnight to dry most things.
The whole washing process take 30 minutes or so. Only once have I forgotten about the water... Luckily there is very little water pressure, so it didn't spill over or anything!
I actually don't mind how complicated it is. It could be worse...I could wash them in the river with a bar of soap!!
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